本日10月1日(月曜)より、なにわ名物いちびり庵各店では、訪日中国人のお客様向けモバイル決済サービス「微信支付(WeChat Pay)」を導入いたしました。
国内外問わず、よりお客様がお買い物しやすい店舗づくりの為に、今後もサービスの向上に努めて参ります。 From today Monday, October 1, we have introduced the mobile payment service "WeChat Pay" for Chinese customers visiting Japan. Regardless of domestic and overseas, we will continue to strive to improve our services to create shops where customers can easily shop.
#なにわ名物いちびり庵 #微信支付
With ASC's expertise in obtaining an LMPC Certificate and Legal Metrology Registration for your packaging items, you can grow your business. Over 500 happy clients were served by our team. Put your trust in us to handle the complex regulatory environment and make sure your products meet all LMPC Certificate criteria. Having ASC on your side will help you maintain transparency, gain a competitive edge, and cultivate customer trust.